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Wish List

Have you ever wanted to help out the Early Education Program, but didn’t know how to do it? Friends is trying to take part of the guesswork out of that by setting up a Wish List on Amazon.com containing some of the items that the program needs.  These are items that have specifically been requested by the Main Street School staff to replace current items that are long past their shelf life or new items that are believed would be of great benefit to the students.  Remember we are a recognized 501(c)(3) so, as always, your donation is completely tax deductible!

The following is a more generic list of needs and their approximate price points:

Books for library
Gift cards to local discount, fabric, hardware, craft, and grocery stores to purchase items for learning activities

Small kitchen appliances
Playground items

Sensory comfort items
Occupational therapy items

Character education supplies
Physical therapy equipment

Augmentative communication devices

Over $1000
Playground equipment